Panakam | Panaka | Panak | Panagam

Please watch my video on the preparation of Panakam recipe, a Ram Navami special Naivedyam recipe and a refreshing summer drink. It is also served as Naivedyam to Lord Narasimha during Narasimha Jayanthi. Here is the link to my youtube channel for viewing the video.


Panakam is a Sanskrit word which means a sweet drink. 

Panakam, also known as Panaka or Panagam is a common and popular Naivedyam, offered to Lord Rama during Rama Navami and to Lord Narasimha during Narasimha Jayanthi. After offering to God, it is also served to the devotees as Prasadam in the temples. It is widely prepared in the South Indian States, especially in Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh. 

It is also a very tasty and refreshing summer drink. It is slightly sweet, slightly tangy, slightly spicy and earthy with a flavour that will make your taste buds crave for more. So, surely try this recipe and relish the drink.

Panakam benefits:

(1) It is a natural coolant and helps to keep the body cool and hydrated.
(2) It cleanses our body.
(3) It is high on nutrition as it is a good source of vitamins and minerals.
(4) It is zero on calories.
(5) It boosts the immunity.

Benefits from ingredients used in Panakam:

  • Jaggery purifies the blood. It is rich in iron, magnesium and antioxidants due to which it protects against anemia and controls hypertension.
  • Cardamom and Ginger aid digestion. Ginger improve coughs, lower fevers, fight off infections, relieve headaches, and ease other symptoms associated with common colds and the flu.
  • Lemon is rich in Vitamin C and B complex. It aid weight loss and improves digestion. It protects against anemia. It prevents kidney stones. It controls weight. Also, it supports heart health.
  • Holy basil (Tulsi leaves) boosts immunity, heals infections, purifies blood, cures insect bites, treats respiratory disorders, maintains blood sugar levels and lowers blood pressure.
  • Holy basil has been shown to have antidepressant and anti anxiety properties similar to antidepressant drugs. Studies have shown that it can help people feel more social and less anxious.
  • Holy basil is also high in antioxidants and helps your body detox.
  • Black Pepper Powder helps in losing weight. It detoxifies the body. It prevents Cancer. It consists of Potassium that helps in regulating heart rate and high blood pressure. It prevents constipation.


(1) 1 litre Water
(2) 250 grams of Jaggery (Gud)
(3) 10 tablespoons (50 ml) of Ginger (Adrak) juice
(4) 10 tablespoons (50 ml) of Lemon juice
(5) Half teaspoon of Homemade Green Cardamom powder (Hari Elaichi powder)
(6) 1 teaspoon of Black Pepper powder (Kali Mirch powder)
(7) Few Basil (Tulsi)  or Mint (Pudina) leaves for flavour and garnishing.

Whole ingredients taken
Ingredients gathered together


(1) With the help of a lemon squeezer, squeeze out juice from seven or more lemons.
I have used 10 tablespoons (50 ml) of lemon juice in this recipe.

10 tablespoons (50 ml) of Lemon juice

(2) Chop 3-5 inch sized ginger piece into small pieces and blend it with 30 ml of water in a blending jar. Then strain it and collect the ginger juice.
I have used 10 tablespoons (50 ml) of Ginger or Adrak juice in this recipe.

10 tablespoons (50 ml) of Ginger / Adrak juice


Step -1 : Mix Jaggery and Water.

Take any large steel utensil or a bowl can hold about 1 litre of liquid.

Add 250 grams of grated jaggery in this utensil.

Add 500 ml of water that is at room temperature.

Mix well and let the jaggery soak in the water for 10 mins or until it dissolves in it.

After 10 mins, stir well and ensure that the jaggery has completely dissolved in water.

Note that the jaggery has completely dissolved in the water.

Step -2 : Add other ingredients one by one.

Add Lemon juice, Ginger juice, Cardamom powder and Black Pepper Powder in measures as given in the ingredients list and mix everything well.

Add 10 tablespoons (50 ml) of lemon juice.

Add 10 tablespoons (50 ml) of Ginger / Adrak juice.

Mix well.

Add half teaspoon of homemade Green Cardamom Powder (Hari Elaichi Powder).

Add 1 teaspoon of Black Pepper Powder (Kali Mirch Powder).

Step -3 : Add Tulsi leaves and garnish

Lastly, add Tulsi / Basil leaves (if wanting to offer to God as Naivedyam) and stir gently. If not for Naivedyam, then you may add Mint leaves instead of Tulsi leaves.

Add 500 ml of chilled water and stir well again.

Our Panakam is ready!

Pour the Panakam in the serving glasses.

Garnish it with Tulsi leaves as shown.

You can refrigerate the drink before serving or add some crushed ice cubes as per need.

Also it can be prepared and stored in refrigerator and consumed within 3 days.


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